Saturday, February 6, 2010

Flag day XD

Today got flag day. in the morning went to bikit panjang plaza and ate at mac, fidel, fabian, ben, fred, and others were there too, later took the tin and go on my way to west mall to find iffah and the others. then suddenly receive sms they going bukit pnjang plaza! so i rushed back.

Met up with iffah, shahirah and other at bukit panjang plaza then they go eat at mac. We later start asking ppl for money! haha i always manage to get money from ppl. then the girls always fail X( haha, and i also always get donations even when it is the girls who ask. sorry arr, XD.

Then later dunno i folo then dunno till where and they started playing swing at a HTB playground. O.o haha, then jalan jalan until so long...back at gombak Mrt station, then i steal 1 last customer while eating ice-cream, then go back return the tin. ^^ It was super fun XD

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